Our National Team Takes Third in the World!

For almost every country in the world, that would be a huge, positive headline. It would be a very popular thing. In this country, the home of basketball, it's a humbling statement. We're supposed to beat the rest of the world with our great athletes and coaching. Professional basketball players are the greatest athletes in the world. The men probably average 6'8" and 240 pounds. They can run like the wind, leap tall buildings with a single bound, etc., etc. -- you know the litany. But can they shoot? Can they defend the Pick & Roll?

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What's Needed to Improve Shooting? (For Coaches and Parents)

There IS an answer to the decline in shooting, and though it's going to take a lot of individual work on the part of coaches and players, the answers are simple and natural and the process of discovery will be exhilarating. Great shooting need not take thousands of hours to learn. Mastery isn't reserved just for the super-coordinated and physically gifted.

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